The images in the flags folder were created from larger, more detailed, versions that you can download from the Developer section on the PhpGedView home site. These larger images are all at 300px high, with varying widths. You can download a 1.2 Mb ZIP file of the large flags from here: The original set of large flag images were, for the most part, downloaded from the CIA site at and are in the public domain. Other sites with a comprehensive collection of flag images are and Other Internet sites were used for reference material when none of the three sites listed above had useful material. For example, the United Nations flag came from the UN site, while the Arab League flag came from another site that had extensive material on the Arab League. The CIA site was used as the authority for flag widths, and for stripe widths of most flags. Unfortunately, the CIA site's flag images use white as the Transparent GIF colour. This, as well as inconsistent stripe widths, caused some interesting problems when the reduced flag images were displayed in the various PhpGedView themes. Cleanup of the large flag images was done using ImageForge from CursorArts and also IrfanView. The small images were created from the large versions by first changing all large images to 500px constant width, sometimes quite easily using IrfanView, and at other times through some cut-and-paste using ImageForge. Nepal, Switzerland, and Vatican couldn't be enlarged. Instead, these flags were centered in a transparent field of 500px. The constant-width flags were then re-sized to 25x15 with IrfanView. Special note on the USA flag: Please note that the small USA flag CANNOT be made to appear exactly as it is in real life. Because it has 13 equal stripes of alternate color, its reduced height has to be a multiple of 13 pixels. When the height is set to 26, the width has to be 52, and that's much too large for display at the top of the pages that use flags. A compromise was made: The USA flag is 13px high and 25px wide. There's a 1px transparent border at the top and bottom, giving a total height of 15. Unfortunately, this height doesn't leave enough room for all 50 stars. Please don't complain about the USA flag -- there's nothing that can be done.